Columbine High School
Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold fire at Columbine High School and kill twelve students and one teachers and wound 20 others. Shows the US the imposng threat of school shootings and they aren't even safe from our own civilians. -
Sanata High School
Andy Williams fires inside Santee, California high school, killing two students and injuring thirteen. He was sentenced to fifty years in prison and sparked fear. -
West Nickel MInes Amish School
Charles C. Roberts age 32 isolates female students and executes them, killing five girls and then commited suicide., showing even the violence can happen in places without alot of outside influence. -
Sandy Hook Elementary
Adam Lanza, age 20, killed mother and then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Conneticut and killed 20 first grade students and six teachers then killed himself. It created an immense impact of the country, causing people to want stricter gun laws to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. -
Umpaqua Community College
Gunamn at Umpaqua Community College targeted Christian students by asking the Christians to stand up so he could shoot them and shot the professor point blank, and killed eight students and himself, showing gun laws still aren't strict if kids are still dying.