Bath School
According to the article, "88 Years Later," from the Detroit Free Press, Andrew Kehoe was behind America's deadliest school massacre. He blew up a school because of anger towards propert taxes. In this act he killed 45 people, 38 of them students, and injured 58 more,
This is important because it marks the beginning of when school massacres became a problem for America. -
On April 20, 1999, 2 students dressed in trench coats arrived at Columbine high school and shot up the school. According to the article, "Columbine High School Shootings" on History, Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold origionally had planned to bomb the school. But when their bombs didn't detonate they went inside and killed 13 students, 1 teacher, and injured more than 20 others, then killed themselves. This shooting is important because many kids are now inspired by the actions of the boys. -
Virgina Tech
According to, "Virginia Tech School Shooting Anniversary," Seung-Hui Cho entered the colege classrooms and began going through classrooms and killing at random, 33 died, including him, and more than 20 were wounded.
This was a wakeup call for colleges. After this chooting many colleges upgraded their security, and ability to notify students if there is danger on the campus. -
Sandy Hook
Adam Lanza arrived at Sandy Hook Elementary school after previously killing his mother, and shot his way into the school. According to "Sandy Hook Shooting: What Happened?" from CNN, while inside he killed 20 students all ages 6 or 7, and 6 adults. He then later took his own life in the school.
It is important because many schools now have more secure security systems because of this. -
Marysville Pilchuck High School
According to, "We Didn't Create a Monster," by Max Kuther, in Newsweek, Jaylen Fryberg was a depressed student that was in charge of the deadliest school schooting in over a decade. During lunch the day of the killings, he stood up and shot his friends one by one, then shot a teacher, then himself.
This shooting opened America's eyes on what depression can lead to in schools for some sick students.