School Shootings and gun violence

  • School shootings and acts against guns since 1968

    School shootings have increased over the years but interestingly enough, there appears to be a correlation between the increase in gun violence/school shootings and gun control.
  • Restriction of firearms in 1962

    Restriction of firearms in 1962
    In 1962 Congress would pass the Gun Control Act, which would prohibit convicted criminals and the mentally ill from purchasing firearms. It would also require gun dealer and manufactures to obtain a licence.
  • School shootings between 1962 and 1970

    School shootings between 1962 and 1970
    There have been a multitude of school shootings from 1982-2000, interestingly increasing as guns become more regulated. There have been 20 school shootings and 43 deaths between 1962 and 1970
  • School Shootings between 1971-1980

    School Shootings between 1971-1980
    The amount of school shootings would increase during this period although more school shootings would result in less deaths. There were a total of 28 shootings and 33 deaths between 1971 and 1980
  • School Shootings between 1981-1990

    School Shootings between 1981-1990
    School shootings would increase significantly between 1981 and 1990. Resulting in 37 school shootings and 45 deaths.
  • Creation of ¨The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control¨

    Creation of ¨The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control¨
    In 1992 the¨National Center for Injury Prevention and Control" would be founded at the ¨Centers for Disease Control and Prevention¨. This would increase funding for accident research including those of gun injuries.
  • The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993

    The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993
    Gun homicides in the USA would peak during 1993, During November Congress would enact ¨The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993¨
  • Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994

    Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994
    In 1994 Congress would enact a ban of fully automatic rifles and assault rifles, semi automatics would still be legal for purchase.
  • School shootings from 1991-2000

    School shootings from 1991-2000
    There have been 64 school shootings and with an estimated 94 deaths despite bans on more gun regulation and a ban on assault rifles.
  • School shootings from 2001 to 2011

    School shootings from 2001 to 2011
    There have been 71 school shootings and an estimated 115 deaths from 2001 to 2011. The increasing amount of school shootings and deaths has triggered a large amount of controversy concerning guns despite previous gun acts.
  • Analysis

    From this timeline it is clear to see the increase in school shootings and deaths despite the more increases in gun control. As politicians continue to debate over gun control, it might be time to take a deeper look at school shootings. The correlation between an increase in gun control and an increase in school shootings and deaths is clear. Leading many to argue against even stricter gun laws which seem to prevent nothing.
  • School Shootings from 2012-2018

    School Shootings from 2012-2018
    There were 121 school shootings and 134 deaths from 2012 to present. The reasons why school shootings and the deaths that come with them have increased is still constantly debated despite increasing gun restrictions.
  • Analysis 2 (continued)

    (continued) In order to prevent these tragedy from happening over and over again,we must ultimately come together forming a middle ground between both arguing sides. Increasing gun control or just outright banning guns wont solve anything, but neither will letting every lunny have access to a firearm.
  • Analysis 3 (continued)

    (Continued) It is only through better counseling where students will feel more inclined to report on issues and be more open. Better school attitudes in which students are more positive and less likely to go off on other. And a population better educated on guns and gun laws, can we finally begin to make a difference.