Has there been one school shooting per week since Sandy Hook?
There have been many school shooting since Sandy Hook. The Washington Post (Michelle Lee) has looked into a froup who has been looking into the shootings, they say, "The group keeps a tally of school shootings since Sandy Hook, counting at least 126 as of June 8, 2015." This is important because it shows awareness to gun violence ans questions gun regulations. -
We Didnt Create a Monster
Jaylen Fryberg went into a school and shot several of his friends before eventually shooting himself. NewsWeek (Max Kutner, September 16) interviewed a person and states, “It’s sad that the government thinks they need to sadden this family any longer.” This is important because it brings up the issue of who is at fault for school shootings. -
There Were 2 Different School Shootings Today In The United States.
In the United States school shootings don't happen every day, but on October 9, there were two. ThinkProcess states (Ian Millhiser, October 9) states, "On Friday, the nation did not even make it an entire day before another shooting happened." This is important because is shows how common the problemis becoming. -
Thresholds of Violence
School shootings have increased over the past year, and a major part of it could be because students look up to the ones who did shootings. The New Yorker (Malcolm Gladwell, October 19) in a police interview with LaDue he states, "“My number one idol is Eric Harris. . . . I think I just see myself in him." This is important because it shows thepsycological effects of seeing and hearing about these shootings. -
‘School Shooting’ May Have Been Self Defense
Recently a school shooting may have actually been linked to self defense. AmmoLand Shooting Sports News (Dean Weingarten, november 29) states, "Jones, 18, claimed he and two friends were first attacked and beaten outside an apartment complex in the Oct. 9." This is important because it shows an event where a school shooting with a reason behind it.