The first reported school shooting
- In Pennsylvania
- the first school shooting was caused by bad politics and warfare, not the cold merciless heart of a sociopathic teenager.
- Ten children and the school master Enoch lost their lifes
- Four lenape warriors the reason for the shootings
The first school shooting caused by a child
The first child to cause a school shooting was Mathew Ward, a 13 year old attending school in Louisville Kentucky. On November 1, 1853 he was disturbed by the punishment of his brother by schoolmaster Mr. Butler. The next day he shot Mr. Butler on school property. -
First child to shoot another child
- 13 year old child shoot his class mate We do not know where it happend or why it happend
The first female shooter
- Ms. Emma Connelly
- Emma Connelly shot a boy from her school, because she was not satisfied with whipping punishment he had gotten after spreading rumors about her.
- Therefor this boy was now faced with a tragic faith.
First suicide to take place on a school
The first suicide took place at the Potsdan Normal School in Watertown New York. Edwin Bush was the name of the boy who shot himself in the head at the Potsdan Normal School in Watertown New York. -
First mass school shooting
- The first mass school shooting was caused by a 70 year old man by the name of James Foster. He decided to take his shotgun out to a playground of St Mary’s Parochial School in Newburgh New York. Five male students suffered minor injury while the rest got away without a scratch.