School Nutrition Program Timeline

  • School Nutrition Act

    I think this is important because this is what let to free and reduced lunches. It led to the prevision of a meal for each child no matter what the cost. This is good because now every child is able to afford school lunches.
  • Milk Program

    this is important because it allowed children to buy pint sized whole milk for a low price.
  • Breakfast Program

    This is important because sometimes its's hard to eat breakfast before you leave for school in the morning. However, you don't have to worry about that when the school offers healty breakfasts for low costs.
  • Let's Move!

    This gives parents helpful information for solving the challenge of childhood obesity. Let's Move focuses on providing healthier foods in school, which ensures that every family has has an access to affordable and healthy foods.
  • Hunger-Free Kids act

    This is important because it provided more funding for the school lunch programs and also supports more fresh foods in school cafeterias.
  • Summer Lunch Program

    This gives students an oppurtunity to get a healthy lunch during summer, even when they aren't going to school. This is important because for some kids, healty meals are only available during school which means that can't obtain it during summer. but now they can!