
School History

  • R. A. Butler

    R. A. Butler
    Creation of system of grammar schools, secondary modern schools and technical colleges. Technical college vision never fully materialises.
  • 10/65 Circular

    10/65 Circular
    Paper published calling for the abolition of grammar schools. Not applied by most Local Education Authorities.
  • Born

    I was born in Wolverhampton, at the Women's Hospital now West Park Hospital.
  • Plowden Report

    Plowden Report
    Child centred education. Calls for establishment of First, Middle and High Schools. Transitions at 8 and 12 years of age. My schools adapt to this arrangement, whilst I am in the middle school.
  • Start First School

    Start First School
    I start Moat Hall Infants School, Great Wyrley. Reading was performed using ITA (Initial Teaching Alphabet) - an early type of phonics. Very confusing as some words are re-spelt and new letters are invented. Unfortunately school has since burned down.
  • Start Middle School

    Start Middle School
    Go straight into 2nd year of junior school, Moat Hall Junior School as an experiment (later changes name to Middle School). All children in experiment complete whole year again as experiment is dropped. School years re-organised so spend 6 years in this school.
  • Start High School

    Start High School
    Enter Great Wyrley High School at 13 years of age. Take 'O' levels at 16, 'A' levels at 18. Examining boards are mostly Joint Matriculation Board, with some Associated Examining Board.
  • Education Act (Special Needs)

    Education Act (Special Needs)
    Schools required to give attention to pupils with Special Needs.
  • 'O' Levels

    'O' Levels
    I complete my 'O' levels. All exams based on two years' work, apart from Social Studies which is the only one which is course work assessed.
  • 'A' Levels

    'A' Levels
    I complete my 'A' levels. All exams based on two years' work, apart from Geography 10% coursework.
  • Graduate University of Bradford

    Graduate University of Bradford
    Studied Electronics and Control Systems Engineering B.Eng. at University of Bradford. Tuition fees paid by Staffs County Council. Also means tested grant for living costs, no need to pay back.
  • GCSE and National Curriculum

    GCSE and National Curriculum
    'O' levels and CSE exams are combined into GCSE exams. National Curriculum is created.
  • Student Loans

    Student Loans
    Student loans introduced, for maintenance only.
  • Tuition Fees

    Tuition Fees
    Tuition fees introduced.
  • Academies Act 2010

    Academies Act 2010
    Schools encouraged to become academies with finances supplied from central government. Schools given greater financial autonomy, including setting teachers' wages.