(SCHOOL ASSIGNMENT) Age of Democracy and Progress

  • Napoleon Bonaparte captured

    Napoleon Bonaparte captured
    Major backlash at the prospect that a single country could dominate Europe ensued, and actions were done to help prevent countries from doing so
  • Parliament orders the abolition of slavery

    Parliament orders the abolition of slavery
    The abolition of slavery gave slaves (who were nearly always black people) a form of basic human rights: eventually, black people gained more political rights over time (but not necessarily complete freedom from racism)
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph/sends the first message

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph/sends the first message
    Telegraphs became telephones, and telephones branched out into cell phones: modern smartphones are over 100 times more powerful than the first rocket that launched to the moon
  • Ten Hours Bill passed (limited working hours to 10 hours for children/women)

    Ten Hours Bill passed (limited working hours to 10 hours for children/women)
    *I can't find a date other than "1847", so I'm just putting that
    [Comes after the 1819 Cotton Factories Regulation Act, which set the minimum working age to 9 years old, and the 1833 Child Labor Law, which established paid enforcers of the 1819 act]
    Children were able to receive more education, instead of having to work (which lead to more technological process as education increased): furthermore, working conditions are the time were incredibly hazardous, and the labor laws initiated protection
  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto created Communism, which is now used in actual economies/countries
  • Christopher Scholes invents the typewriter, QWERTY key system

    Christopher Scholes invents the typewriter, QWERTY key system
    *I can't find any other date than "1868", so I'm just putting that
    -QWERTY key system = made typing easier, which lead to being able to mass produce typed goods more quickly
    -Typewriter = evolved into the keyboard, which are heavily used in modern-day society (like in laptops)
  • Louis Pasteur invents the first vaccine (rabies and anthrax)

    Louis Pasteur invents the first vaccine (rabies and anthrax)
    *I can't find any other date than "Jan 1870", so I'm just putting that
    Vaccines eventually wiped out many diseases that raged through populations
  • Alexander Parkes creates the first man-made plastic (Parkesine)

    Alexander Parkes creates the first man-made plastic (Parkesine)
    *I can't find any other date than "1885", so I'm just putting that
    Plastic is now used in mass quantities for many things