Nazi Revolution in Germany
Adolf Hitler drove his dictator force during the 30's by taking over Germany. His force made the first concentration camp at Dachau (near Munich). But about hundreds and thousands of Jews were able to leave the country, although they still remained in fear of moments like their country's invasion. This was the start of the genocides that the Holocaust is known for. -
Beginning of War
The German army had occupied the western half of Poland. This then-new ownership had forced tens of thousands of Polish Jews out of their homes and into ghettos. the area was surrounded at each end with barbed wires and high walls, and during this whole function Jews who had sickness or disabilities, around 70,000, were to be gassed to death. This takeover was what started the World War ll across the world. -
Towards the "Final Solution"
Germany's army had expanded Hitler's empire in Europe after taking over Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. This had gotten even more Jews, by that practically all of them, were to be taken away to the polish ghettos. When the German army took over Soviet Union, a new and higher form of brutality helped out warfare and the mobile killing weapons murdered more than 500,000 Soviet Jews. This mass killing went on in the camps of Auschwitz. -
Holocaust Death Camps
The Germans had begun to transport masses of those in the ghettos in Poland to the concentration camps. The army started with the bunch that were the least useful and most sick, weak, and old, along with the very young. The mass gassings began at Belzec, near Lublin. This lead to five more mass gassings in occupied Poland, including Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and the largest of all, Auschwitz-Birkenau. -
Nazi Rule Comes to an End, as Holocaust Continues to Claim Lives
German leadership was dissolving amid internal dissent. Two collaborators of the system, Goering and Himmler, were distancing themselves from Hitler. Hitler blamed the near ending war on "International Jewry and its helpers" and he urged his people to still follow the strict observance of racial laws. The following day after this speech, Hitler committed suicide and Germany's surrender of the war came a week later. The camps that have hold the Jews in were already evacuating by last year.