Scarlet Letter Timeline

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    Ch. 2 - Hester Prynne Publicly Shammed

    Ch. 2 - Hester Prynne Publicly Shammed
    Hester Prynne walks out onto the scaffold for her punishment of adultery. She will stand there for 3 hours a day where the community will look and judge her as she stands there.
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    Ch. 4 - Roger Chillingworth Arrives

    Ch. 4 - Roger Chillingworth Arrives
    Chillingworth is a physician that comes into town seeking revenge on the person that committed fornicatin with Hester.
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    Ch.6 - Pearl is Born

    Ch.6 - Pearl is Born
    Pearl is Hester's daughter that was made from the affair. Hester will not reveal who the father of Pearl is but pushes forward in her life so she can raise Pearl right.
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    Ch. 10-12 - Dimmesdale's Health Declines

    Ch. 10-12 - Dimmesdale's Health Declines
    His health deteriorated because of the large amount of guilt that he carries with him of keeping his sin a secret from the entire town, while he is also a respected minister in the town.
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    Ch. 17 - Dimmesdale and Hester Meet in The Forest

    Ch. 17 - Dimmesdale and Hester Meet in The Forest
    They meet in the forest because it is a place where neither of them will be judged. Then Hester tells Dimmesdale that he should run away and start a new life somewhere across the ocean. Both of them share their emotions and how they feel wanting to help each other.
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    Ch. 17 - Chillingworth's Identity is Revealed

    Ch. 17 - Chillingworth's Identity is Revealed
    While they are in the woods Hester tells Dimmesdale who Roger Chillingworth really is and that is her husband. She also tell Dimmesdale how he has been torturing him and not helping him at all.
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    Ch. 22 - Dimmesdale Confesses

    Ch. 22 - Dimmesdale Confesses
    He heads to the scaffold where the people are punished for what they have done so he can reveal his sin that he was the person that committed fornication with Hester and that he is Pearl's father.
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    Ch.23 - Pearl Leaves

    Ch.23 - Pearl Leaves
    Hester Stays in the community as Pearl leaves to go to Europe where she will inherit a fortune from her dad. She will also embark on a new chapter of her life while her mother stays and shows strength and resilience by staying in the same community that once shunned her.