Aug 21, 1030
Scandinavia influenced by Christianity
About 35 years after Olav Tryggvason came to Norway to claim throne, he succeded in spreading Christianity to the native Scandinavians. The reason the conversion to Christianity was able to happen so fat was because Scandinavians got to keep most of their language and literature. Holidays werequite similar as well, with only a difference in the name. -
Jan 1, 1066
End of the Viking Era
Eventually, the Viking raids stopped. This is why year 1066 is used as a date to mark the end of their Era. To finalize their story, at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, the Norwegian king Haraldr harðráði was killed when he tried to reclaim parts of Europe. This marked the Viking's last major raid -
Sep 17, 1066
War with Sweden
Most of Norway and Denmark had already transitioned to Christianity due to outside European influence, However, Sweden required alittle more effort to convert. Sweden contained many different religious practices which included multiple opinions and views on the aspect of Chiristianity. After a breif civil war, Christianity won in and began to be practiced throughout the region. -
Sep 10, 1200
Scandinavian Literature
As Viking numbers decrease, more culture is lost and forgotten. In an effort to keep traditions and knowledge, the Vikings created their own kind of literature to express their culture and beliefs. -
Apr 27, 1257
Poetic Edda
Poetic Edda was one of the first forms of Scandinavian literature and is sometimes known as Elder Edda, consisting of mythological literature and heroic poems. It is said that most of Norse Mythology was based off the tales in this book. The author of this book is unkown -
Jun 22, 1332
Prose Edda
Prose Edda or sometimes known as Younger Edda, was released some years after Poetic Edda. This piece of literature was written by an incelandic poet and chieftain named Snorri Sturluson. This tale interprets traditional Incelandic poetry. -
Mar 28, 1350
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology developed from Scandinavian LIterature creatued by the Vikings. Norse Mythology includes many types of creatures and monsters that sseem to have affectted the people of Scandinavia. These stories change and are altered through time and international influence. Although Vikings played a major role in the creation of Norse Mythology, the christians who incluenced the Vikings and spread Christianity throughout Scandinavia also played a major part in the creation of these beliefs -
Apr 25, 1397
Kalmar Union
Before 1397, Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) attempted to keep alll three of its countries independent. They didn't want to have anything to do with each other. However, eventually the countries gave up their sovereignty and called themselves the Kalmar Union. Although they have given up their sovereignty, they havent thrown away their independence and diverging beliefs. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Birth of Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology is a very crucial and important part of Scandinavian culture and history. It was the folktales, myths, and legends they created that created Scandinavia to what it has become today -
Aug 20, 1400
Norse Mythology Background
As Norse Mythology became more popular, stories were put together to give all the myths and legends a common background. in 1375, it was established that like the Greek Deities, there are also Norse Gods and Goddesses that have a larger-than-human form. The world of Norse mythology includes two groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir, as well as giants, trolls, elves, dwarfs, and heroic human warriors. However at this point in time, only Aseir and Vanir were widely known. -
May 5, 1432
Conflict in Kalmar Union begins
Even with strong goals and efforts, the countries begin to disbute over their differences and start to realize that the union will eventually fall apart -
Aug 23, 1450
Norse fades
Around the 14th to 15th century, Old Norse fades and begins to evolve into a new language. However, the memory of Old Norse still exists withis Norse Mythology, -
Oct 22, 1476
Gods and Goddesses of Norse
In the late 15th century, more God-like creatures gain the title of a deity in Norse Mythology. The Gods most involved with the creation of the world and other mithical creatures is Ymir, who is the frost giant whose body was used to form the world. -
Dec 1, 1477
Around the same time as when more Norse deities came into existance, the legend of Ymir became widely known. Ymir was a giant who was created from the drops of water. Also known as Aurgelmir, he was considered the father of all the giants. Eventually however, three minor gods put an end to Ymir's life and used his body to create the earth. By 1477, everyone knew Ymir's legend -
Aug 20, 1500
Birth of Mythologival Creatures
Following the discover of many new Norse Gods and Goddesses, trolls, elves, and dwarves became part of literature. In Norse Mythology, these creatures were born from the spaces between the toes of the great frost giant, Ymir. Generally, these craetures were considered monsters and a threat to humnas. for many following years, there were multiple attacks from these beasts -
Feb 16, 1523
Kalmar Union conflict
As hard as the countrties of Scandinavia tried, their different beliefs and views altered their efforts. In 1523, it became a large conflict and the countries went to war. This conflict has been growing since the 1430s -
Kalmar War
With the Union falling apart, the Danish king made his last serious attemp to hold the peace together. However, all he accomplished was a Danish victory along with a complete loss of Sweden. After this. No more attempts were made to keep the union together. -
Olav Tryggvason meets Vikings
In year 995, Olav Tryggvason came from England with many men in order to claim the throne in Norway and spread Christianity throughout the Scandinavian region. Vikings were rather risistant to Christianity and did their best to keep their own culture and beliefs -
Norse Language
At the beginning og the VIking Era, inhabitants of Scandinavia, including VIkings, spoke with a language called Old Norse. THis is a North Germanic language and has three specific dialects: Old East Norse, Old West Norse, and Old Gutnish. -
Period: to Jan 1, 1066
Viking Age
The Vikings shaped and altered Scandinavia ethically and geographically as the occupied the region. Their main contribution to Scandinavia were the Folktales and Myths they created in their life time