Planning the Invasion
Allied forces rehearsed their roles for D-Day months before the invasion. In south Devon on the English coast, 638 U.S soldiers and sailors were killed when German torpedo boats surprised one of the soldiers landing exercises codenamed "Exercise Tiger". (ACTUAL EVENT) -
The Allies tricked the Germans
The Allies wanted to convince the Germans that the invasion was going to take place at Pas de Calais, France. The Royal Air Force dropped aluminum over Pas de Calais early in the morning on June 6 because the aluminum simulated a massive invasion fleet on enemy radar while troops got in place at the real invasion point. (ACTUAL EVENT) -
The Invasion of Normandy
The Invasion of NormandyThe Invasion of Normandy occured in Normandy, France during World War II. The goal of the attack was to drive the Germans out of France and to break Adolf Hitlers grasp over France. The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks and naval bombardments. 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, injured or went missing during the invasion. (ACTUAL EVENT) -
Mrs. Ryan learns about the death of her sons
Saving Private Ryan trailerGeneral Marshall, Chief of Staff learns that three of a womans four sons have been killed in the war, so he decides to send a rescue team to locate the youngest brother, Private James Francis Ryan and bring him home. (MOVIE) -
The Allied forces gain power from the Invasion
By nightfall on June 6, the Allied forces had established themselves in Normandy and around 10,400 Americans died, while approximately 4,000-9,000 Germans passed. Over the next several days, Allied troops continued to press inland, while the Germans moved to contain the beachhead. (ACTUAL EVENT) -
They finally find Private Ryan!
The exhausted rescue team aproaches Ramelle, France. While crossing a field, they spot a German half-track, so Captain Miller orders everyone to take cover until it passes. Suddenly, the half-track is in flames and the team is confused. A small group of American soldiers come out of the brush and Private James Ryan is one of the soldiers. -
The fallen soldiers who died protecting Private Ryan
Private Caparzo got shot in the chest by a German sniper after disobeying Captain Millers orders and trying to comfort the young German girl. Shortly after, Private Wade got shot in the liver during the battle in the field with the Germans. Private Jackson got killed in an explosion, Private Mellish got stabbed and Sergeant Horvath got shot. All these soldiers risked their lives to locate and protect Private Ryan. (MOVIE) -
Captain John Miller dies
Capt. Miller made it his duty to protect the bridge in the last few moments of his life. As the German force was fast approaching he attempted to blow up the bridge, but instead he lost control and got shot. He knew that Ryan was safe and put down his own life to save his. (MOVIE) -
The final battle in Ramelle takes place
The battle of Ramelle was a small battle fought between a small group of American soldiers and a larger group of Germans, The Americans prepared for the battle in advance, because they knew the Germans would be passing through the town shortly. They placed explosives/bombs throughout the streets and under the bridge, placed a sniper in the church tower, and loaded up with ammunition. The Germans were caught by surprise, but in the end the Americans were defeated. (MOVIE) -
Private Ryan pays his respects to Captain Miller
Private Ryan, as an elderly veteran visits Captain Millers grave site with his family and pays his respects. Ryan asks his wife to confirm that he has led a good life, that he is a "good man" and that he is worthy of Captain Millers and the others sacrifice. He then salutes Millers grave.