1082 BCE
Saul Born
1067 BCE
Jonathan Born
1052 BCE
Saul King at 30
1046 BCE
Saul Anointed King
1040 BCE
David is born
1025 BCE
David Kills Goliath
1025 BCE
David anointed as King
1022 BCE
Jonathan becomes friend with David
1 Samuel 20 -
1016 BCE
Saul Kills Priest at Nob
1012 BCE
Jonathan Defeats the Phillistines
1 samuel 14 -
1010 BCE
Saul & Jonathan Die
1010 BCE
David King at Hebron
Period: 1010 BCE to 931 BCE
Solomons life
Solomon becomes King over Israel and is Davids son -
1003 BCE
David King in Jerusalem at 37
990 BCE
Saul Defeats Ammonites
990 BCE
Amnon Rapes Tamar
985 BCE
Absalom is recalled by David
979 BCE
Absalom becomes King in Hebron
He takes over Davids reign and people turn to Absalom over David. -
976 BCE
Absalam Murders Amnon
He murders Amnon because he raped his sister even though Absalom was not to take matters into his own hands. -
970 BCE
David Dies at 70
Period: 965 BCE to 931 BCE
Solomon is King over Israel
950 BCE
Solomon builds the first Temple of Jerusalem.
931 BCE
Kingdom of Israel splits in two after death of Solomon; Kingdom of Judah founded.
931 BCE
Solomon dies at 69
931 BCE
Jeroboam starts to reign
reigns for 22 yrs -
931 BCE
Rehoboam starts to reign
First King of Judah -
913 BCE
Rehoboam dies
913 BCE
Abijah starts his reign
911 BCE
Asa begins to reign
911 BCE
Abijah dies
910 BCE
Jeroboam Dies
908 BCE
jehoshephat is born
887 BCE
Jehoshaphat becomes co-regnet with Asa and reigns 25 years.
884 BCE
Omri reigns in Israel
884 BCE
Zimri reigns in Israel
877 BCE
Elah begins to reign over Israel
874 BCE
Ahab reigns in Israel
870 BCE
Asa dies
870 BCE
Elijah predicts 3 year drought
Period: 870 BCE to 849 BCE
Jehoshaphat reign
869 BCE
Elijah moves to widow of Zarephath near Sidon
866 BCE
Elijah flees to mount Sinai
865 BCE
Elisha annointed
865 BCE
elisha born
856 BCE
Elisha raises a 5 year old son from the dead
849 BCE
Jehosephat dies
849 BCE
Jehoram begins his reign
842 BCE
Elijah goes up to heaven
842 BCE
Jehoram end of reign
Jehoram reigns for 7-8 years -
842 BCE
Jehoram dies
Jehoram died at age 39 or 40 -
842 BCE
Ahaziah begin of reign
841 BCE
Ahaziah end of reign
841 BCE
Ahaziah dies
841 BCE
Jehu begin of reign
righteous King -
841 BCE
Athaliah begins reign
835 BCE
Athaliah end of reign
814 BCE
Jehu end of reign
798 BCE
798 BCE
796 BCE
Joash Rimah Stele
795 BCE
Elisha dies
arrows shot and struck -
715 BCE
Hezekiah start of reign
709 BCE
687 BCE
Hezekiah end of reign
643 BCE
Mannassah Death