Sarah's timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Asheville, North Carolina.
  • The First Great Move

    The First Great Move
    My family moved to Virginia.
  • Kindergarten

    First day of school, that was followed by a two week break because of extreme flooding.
  • The Second Great Move

    The Second Great Move
    My family moved again to Augusta, Georgia.
  • Track and Field

    Track and Field
    made the track team for the first time in sixth grade, and ran all the way through sophomore year of high school.
  • Basketball

    Made the basketball team and played through sophomore year of high school.
  • Camp Summers

    Camp Summers
    Began working at Ridge Haven during the summesr, I worked from 2008-2011.
  • Graduation

    Graduated from high school
  • Mission Trip to Chicago

    Mission Trip to Chicago
    Went with my ministry to Chicago to work with an inner city group.
  • Sister's Marriage

    Sister's Marriage
    my sister got married