Missouri, USA -
1860 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Fabius Township, Schuyler county, Missouri, USA. In household of parents, Andrew and Rebeccah Hicks along with sister, Melvina. -
1870 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Fabius Township, Schuyler county, Missouri, USA. In household of parents, Andrew and Rebecca Hicks along with sisters, Melvina, Hannah, Margaret and Nancy and brother, Stephen. -
Marriage to Theodore Jonas/James Montgomery
Schuyler county, Missouri, USA
Sarah was 18. Theodore was 27. -
Birth of son : Alonzo Montgomery
Exact day of birth is unknown. December 1879 per census record. -
1880 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Black Creek Township, Shelby county, Missouri USA. In household with husband, Theodore and son, Alonzo. -
Birth of daughter: Ida May Montgomery
Missouri -
Birth of daughter: Pearl Montgomery
Exact date is unknown. Month and year from census records. -
Birth of son: Harry Lee Montgomery
Memphis, Shelby County,Tennessee, USA -
Birth of son: Oda Theodore Montgomery
Tennessee -
Birth of daughter: Rosetta "Rose" E Montgomery
Tennessee -
1900 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Lawrence county, Tennessee, USA
In household with husband, Theodore and children, Lonzo, Pearl and Harry. -
1910 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Blanco county, Texas, USA. Sarah is now widowed and living with her husband's brother and her youngest child, Rose. -
1920 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Bexar county, Texas, USA. In household with brother-in-law, Pearson Clifford (P C) Montgomery. -
1930 United States Federal Census
Enumerated in Bexar county, Texas, USA. Sarah is living in househould with brother-in-law, Pearson Montgomery as head. Her married daughter, Rose is also there with her husband, O B Miller and their two children, Rosemary and Elizabeth. -
She died at home on Babcok Road in Bexar county, Texas. Cause of death was breast cancer. -
Burial: Locke Hill Cemetery
San Antonio, Bexar county,Texas, USA
Sarah is buried next to her husband, Oda Theodore Montgomery