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Sarah Bellamy

  • When was Sarah bellamy born?

    When was Sarah bellamy born?
    Sarah bellamy was born on 1770 her date of birth is unknown but she was born in Worcestershire United Kingdom.
  • Sarah bellamys parents

    Sarah bellamys parents
    Sarah bellamys parents were Richard Bellamy and Elizabeth Staunton there death is unknown.
  • Sarah bellamys work

    Sarah bellamys work
    Sarah bellamy worked as two jobs a weaver and maid she worked both jobs for lieutenant faddy
  • When Sarah Bellamy went to court?

    When Sarah Bellamy went to court?
    Sarah bellamy got trialed at old baileys court
  • What Sarah Bellamy stole

    What Sarah Bellamy stole
    Sarah Bellamy stole twenty four silk handkerchiefs and one wallet that contained 630 shillings from Mr and Mrs Collingworth.
  • Sarah bellamys first child.

    Sarah bellamys first child.
    Sarah bellamys first child was called Joseph.
  • Leaving England

    Leaving England
    Sarah Bellamy left England on the lady penrhyn
  • Sarah Bellamys marriage

    Sarah Bellamys marriage
    Sarah bellamy married a young sailors man his name was James blood worth.
  • When she pasted away

    When she pasted away
    Sarah bellamy died on the 24th of February 1843