Battle of Fort Sumter
Bagan on April 12. 1861. General Anderson was forced to surrender to Confederates on April 14, 1861. -
Period: to
The Civil War
First Battle of Bull Run
Started on July 20, 1861. Thomas J. Jackson earned his nickname, "stonewall", in this battle. THe confederates won and it ended on July 22, 1861 -
The Peninsula Campaign
Union - General vs. President
President Abraham Lincoln named George B. McClellan to replace the aging Winfield Scott as general in chef of all union armies. Line soon grew frustrated with McClellen's reluctance to take the inative, late January 1862 he issued General Wart order no. 1, calling for all armies to move forward McClellan won approval for his planned offensive. McClellan backed off ordering his army to retreat. -
Hampton Roads
Started on March 8, 1862. the Monitor is the Union and the Merrimac is Confederate. The Confederates won after an indesicive outcome. Ended on May 9, 1862. -
Battle of Shiloh (Battle of Pittsburgh Landing)
Was the second great engagement of the American Civil War.
The battle was fought in the woods by inexperienced troops on both sides. The Union won. -
Battle of Vicksburg
The capture of Vicksburg divided the Confederacy and proved the military genius of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.The surrender of Vicksburg, with the victory at the Battle of Gettysburg the previous day ,greatly heartened the North and in fact marked the turning point of the war. Lasted until July 1836. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
Union - end date: September 17, 1862
McClellan was in demanding moire troops in order to renew his offensive against the Confederate capital of Richmond during the Peninsula Campaign. Pope sent divisions in the smaller assaults. -
Battle of Antietam
Began on September 17, 1862, It was the single bloodiest day of battle in American history. The Union won with a total of 22,000 casualties. it was the !st battle on Northern soil. Ended on September 18, 1862 -
Battle of Fredericksburg
Began on November 7, 1862. The Union suffered fron 13,000 casualties when the South only had about 5,000. The Confederates crushed the Union in thier victory. The battle ended on December 13, 1862 -
Battle of Chanvellorsville
Began April 30, 1863. This battle is considered Lee's greatest victory. Ended on May 6, 1863. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Began on July 1, 1863. The battle lasted 3 days. Lee lead a charge known as "pickett's charge". The Union won when the battle ended on July 3, 1863. -
Battle of Chickmauga
Began on September 19, 1863. There was close to 36,000 casualties on both sides making it one of the most costliest battles in the civil war. The Union won and it ended on September 20, 1863. -
The Gettysburg Address
This was on November 19, 1863. Linclon spoke only 2-3 minutes where Everett spoke for almost 2 hours. -
Battle of Spotsylvania
Lee was forced yet again to maneuver his army in between the enemy and the Confederate capital. Ended May 21, Confederate. -
Battle of the Wilderness
The Petersburg Campaign
Confederate - end date: March 25 , 1865
Was a series of military operatins in Southern Virginia during the final months of the American Civil War that culminated in the defeat of the South. -
Battle of Mobile bay
Mobile Bay in Alabama was the most important confederate port left on the Gulf of Mexico. Protected by Fort Morgan. Farraguts's fleet sailed into Mobile Bay on the morning of August 23 fort morgan surrendered, threre by sealing the Gukf Coast from further blockade running. -
Sherman's March
Sherman’s “total war” in Georgia was brutal and destructive, but it did just what it was supposed to do. If that terror and grief and even want shall help to paralyze their husbands and fathers who are fighting us…it is mercy in the end.Sherman's March is Confederate. -
Lincoln's Assasination
Confederate - -end date: April 19, 1865
Lincolns killer was John Wilkes Booth. Maryland native born in 1838, who remained in the north during the civil was despite his confederate sympathies. March 20, 1865 was the day of the planned killing. But Licoln failed to appear at the spot where booth & 6 fellow conspirations lay in wait. -
Surrender at Appomttox
The day that Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.