The Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachuttess
The Mayflower ship landed at Cape Cod, Massachuttes with 101 colinist. On November 11, the Mayflower compact is signed by the 41 men, establishing a form of local government in which the colonist agree to abide by majority riule and to cooperate to the good of the colony. The Compact sets the prescendent for other colonis as they set up governements. -
Rhode Island enacts the first law
The colonies declared that salvaery wsa illegal. It helped the slaves because now they are free and don't have to worry about slavery anymore. -
Witchcraft Suspects
In May, hysteria grips the village of Salem, Massachusetts, as witchcraft suspects are arrested and imprisoned. A special court is then set up by the governor of Massachusetts. Between June and September, 150 people were accused, with 20 people Including 14 women, being excuted. By October, the hysteria subsides, remaining prisoners are released and the special court is resolved. -
Carolina Splits
In May, Carolina colony is officaly divided into North Carolina and South Carolina. -
Ben Franklin and electricity
Ben Franklin discovered electricity in 1752, when he flew a kite during stormy weather. His kite contained a key that was attached to a string, which was in turn attached to a wire. Franklin believed that lightning from the thunderclouds would run through the wire, string, and finally, the key. He was electrocuted during thid experiment from touching the key but suffered no injuries. -
First Continental Congress
The First Conteneital Congress meets in Pliladelphia with 56 delegates, representing every colony, except Georgia. Attendents include Patrick Henry, George Washington, Sam Adams, abd John Hancock. -
Electors meet their states
December 3, Electors meet in their states and cast votes for the next presidant of the United States. A tie vote between Jefferson and Aron Burr does not beecome known til the end of the month. This throws the elenction into the house of Reresentatives which addresses the matter on Febuary 11, 1801. -
Electors vote for President
Febuary 11, The electors votes for president are officaly opened and counted in Congress, which already knows that the vote is tied between Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The House of Representatives meets separetely and continues balloting for six days. On Febuary 17, on the thirty-sixth ballot, Jefferson is elected president and Aaron Burr becomes vice president. -
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase January 18. Jefferson asked Congress for funds for an expedition to explore the Mississippi River and beyond in search of route to the Pacific. Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson's [rovate secretary, begins planning the expedition, which forms in late 1803. -
Capatial is Moved
The U.S. Captail is moved from Philadelphia to Washigton D.C.