
Sara Lopez Timeline

  • Sara is Born June 19, 1982- Trust vs Mistrust

    Sara is Born June 19, 1982- Trust vs Mistrust
    Sara is born June 19, 1982 to Dan and Noreen Edmonds. She has two older siblings (4 and 6). In the first stage of Erickson's timeline Trust vs Mistrust, she is learning whether or not she can trust the world around her by the care she is receiving from her parents and family.
  • Sara Potty Trains Age 2- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Sara Potty Trains Age 2- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    Sara is 2 years old and she is potty training. In Erickson's theory of Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt, she is learning to control her body and gaining independence as a child. She is also experiencing shame when she has an accident and doubtfulness that she will be able to complete this milestone.
  • Sara has a baby April 29, 2010 -Intimacy vs Isolation

    Sara has a baby April 29, 2010 -Intimacy vs Isolation
    Sara gives birth to a baby boy on April 29, 2010. Her and her husband made the decision to start a family. In Erickson's stage Intimacy vs Isolation, her and her husband are learning to make loving, lasting relationships and choosing to grow their family together through intimacy and love. The counter to Intimacy is the isolation crisis where one would feel isolated and alone.