Santa Teresa

  • Birth

    This messenger of God's love was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, a city at the crossroads of Balkan history.
  • She became a nun

    She became a nun
    In September 1928, she entered the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, known as the Sisters of Loreto, in Ireland. There she received the name of Sister María Teresa (after Saint Teresa of Lisieux)
  • A call within a call from heaven

    A call within a call from heaven
    On September 10, 1946, while traveling from Calcutta to Darjeeling for her annual retreat, Mother Teresa received her "inspiration," her "call within the call." On that day, in a way she would never explain, the thirst for love and for souls took hold of her heart and the desire to quench the thirst of Jesus became the driving force of her entire life.
  • Leaves Loreto

    Leaves Loreto
    On August 17, 1948, she dressed for the first time in the white sari edged with blue and went through the doors of her beloved Loreto convent to enter the world of the poor.
  • First time in the slums

    First time in the slums
    On December 21 he goes to the poor neighborhoods for the first time. She visited families, washed the wounds of some children, took care of a sick old man who was lying in the street and cared for a woman who was dying of hunger and tuberculosis
  • Missionaries of Charity

    Missionaries of Charity
    On October 7, 1950, the new congregation of the Missionaries of Charity was officially established in the Archdiocese of Calcutta.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    In 1979 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for "work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and anguish, which also constitute a threat to peace." Teresa refused to attend the ceremonial banquet given to the awardees and asked that the funds of $ 192,000 be given to the poor of India. Upon receiving the recognition, he made a strong criticism of abortion
  • Death

    On September 5, Mother Teresa's earthly life came to an end. The Government of India granted him the honor of celebrating a state funeral and his body was buried in the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. His tomb quickly became a place of pilgrimage and prayer for people of faith and diverse social backgrounds.
  • Beatification

    Pope John Paul II allowed the opening of his Cause of Canonization. On December 20, 2002, the same Pope approved the decrees on the heroicity of virtues and on the miracle obtained through the intercession of Mother Teresa, and was beatified by Saint John Paul II on October 19, 2003.
  • Canonization

    Canonized 13 years later by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square on September 4, 2016, in the celebration of the Jubilee of the volunteers and workers of mercy.