His Birth
In 1042 was born Sancho Ramírez ( Sancho I of Aragón,V of Pamplona) month and day are unkown. -
Jan 17, 1063
Reign in Aragón
Apr 17, 1065
The square was governed by Sancho's brother-in-law
Jan 17, 1066
Conquist Álquezar
Feb 14, 1068
Sancho travels to Rome
Jan 17, 1076
Reign in Pamplona
Jan 17, 1077
Jaca Fire Award
Jan 17, 1078
cuts the fields of Zaragoza
Jan 19, 1083
Sancho seizes Grarus and Ayerbe
Jan 17, 1089
takes the government of Plaza Del Monzón
Jan 17, 1092
Conquest so that the infants began to develop tasks of government and to be surrounded by a clientele of faithful seniors who facilitated the succession to the throne
Jan 17, 1092
The reign of Aragón ends
Jan 4, 1094
Death of Sancho Ramírez
Jan 17, 1094
Finish the reign of Pamplona
Jan 17, 1094
Starts the reign with Pedro I