Samuel Morse-time line AC

By acolli3
  • Samuel Morse was born on april 27, 1791

    Samuel Morse was born on april 27, 1791
    he was boren on april 2, 1791 in charlestown, massachusetts. he was also a artst (painter). he invented the telegraph and mores code
  • he invented the electro-magnetic telegraph in 1832

    he's 1st was in 1832
  • he made another expermintal telegraph in 1835

    he made a expermental telegraph in 1835
  • he made the fully functional telegraph on may 1, 1849 and why

    he made the fully functional telegraph on may 1, 1849 and why
    the best fully workin telegraph was made on may 1, 1849. when he built a line from Baltimore to Washington,D.C
    he built a telegraph to communicate over long distances, faster. his wife died and was buried and he didnt even know untill later. the telegraph could of helped alot in that situation.
  • he died on april 2, 1872

    he died on april 2, 1872.
  • we use a cell phone today instead of the telegraph. and how it afected America

    we use a cell phone today instead of the telegraph. and how it afected America
    they used telegraphs in that time,after he invented it, and today we use cell phones instead. it also helpes communicate over long distances but, it is better because it developed over the years. it was the telegraph,telephone, and now we use cell phones.It also helped America because it helped us communicate and contact eachother faster than running\riding a horse.The problem was that everyone didnt have a telegraph then so it was still hard to get info to faraway places if others dont have one