Samuel Colt is Born in Hartford, Connecticut
Samuel Colt is born in Hartford Connecticut -
In his teen years he works for his dad in his Texile mill in Ware, Mass.
In 1836, he works on a revolver, a pistol that will be able to fire mutiple shots per load.
Later he gets his first patent for hsi firearm, and starts manufractring it in Paterson, NJ.
His company in Paterson, NJ folds and goes out of bussiness.
: Colt ships his new revolver, the "Walker," to the U.S. Ordnance Dept. The gun is produced at the Connecticut factory of Eli Whitney, Jr., son of the inventor of the cotton gin.
Opens a plant in England to increase sales in Europe.
Colt finishes his new building in Hartford, producing 150 guns per day.
Colt dies and his wife runs the company for many years.