Samuel Clemens: The man behind the magic

  • The beginning

    Samuel Clemens was born to John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens in Florida, Missouri. The Clemen's family then moved to Hannible when Samuel was four years old.
    *Hannible is important becasue it serves as insperation for many locations in Mark Twain's books.
  • Illness

    Samuel Clemens was a very ill child who didn't get to go outside very much untill he was nine years old.
    *The illness's that Samuel Clemens had as a child, that forced him to stay inside, could have taught him to use his imigination becasue he could not go play outside with other children.
  • Growing up

    Samuel Clemens father died when he was 12. Samuel dropped out of school to work as a printer's apprentice.
    *This experiance helped Samuel Clemens learn the processes behind printing and publishing works.
  • Steam boat

    Samuel Clemens recceved his steamboat pilot license. When Mr. Clemens was on the steam boat he came up with the pen name Mark Twain which was based on a term used on river boats.
    Fun Fact: Mark Twain meant that the boat was surrounded by water 2 fathoms deep (12 feet).
  • First Publishing

    Mark Twain's gain to fame started with a story,"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calauaras County", published in the New York Saturday Press.
  • Satire: Huckleberry Finn

    Language Diversity:
    In the novel Mark Twain wrote about how people in America thought that English was the only languague that mattered. Mark Twain was trying to show how ignorant American's were of other nations and cultures.
  • Satire: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    Political Lies
    In the novel Mark Twain writes about how people are to gullible and believe lies too easily. Twain is trying to show how American's are easily lied to by thier government and don't do anything to fix it because they don't believe that the government would lie to them.
  • Satire: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    The worth of money
    In the novel Mark Twain writes about a show that men whent to see where a man dresses up like a king and humilitaes himself for money. Twain is trying to show that people are willing to humiliates themselves, even sell themsevels to get money.
  • Today

    Mark Twain is still celebrated by many people today. Mark Twain's home was turned into a museum for people to visit. Every year their is a Calavaras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee in Calavaras's county. In New York walking tours are given showing places that Mark Twain visited every year on his birthday.