Samuel Adams is born in Boston, Massachusetts Bay
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Samuel Adams life
Samuel Adams entered Harvard college in the year of 1736
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Samuel Adams father was involved in a banking controversy after he opened a land bank to help the currency shortage.
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Samuel Adams graduates but continues his studies
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The Court Party used its connections with british parliment to dissolve the land bank leaving directors of the bank including deacon adams, samuel adams father, were liable to pay off the currency in circulation
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Samuel Adams earns masters degree
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He was elected to his first political office in 1747, serving as one of the clerks of the Boston market.
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Deacon Adams dies leaving Samuel Adams with lawsuits over the bank. For Adams, these lawsuits "served as a constant personal reminder that Britain's power over the colonies could be exercised in arbitrary and destructive ways".
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In January 1748, Adams and some friends, inflamed by British impressment, launched the Independent Advertiser, a weekly newspaper that printed many political essays written by Adams.
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In October 1749, he married Elizabeth Checkley
Samuel one of 2 children that made it to adulthood out of the 6.
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Hannah the 2nd of the 2 children to live to adulthood out of 6.
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In 1756 the Boston Town Meeting elected him to the post of tax collector, which provided a small income.Adams often failed to collect taxes from his fellow citizens, which increased his popularity among those who did not pay, but left him liable for the s
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In July 1757, Elizabeth Checkley died soon after giving birth to a stillborn son.
some time in july -
Adams would remarry in 1764, to Elizabeth Wells did not birth children
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In the sugar act of 1764 Adams thought it was an infringment of colonial rights.
Because colonists were not represented in Parliament, he argued, they could not be taxed by that body; only the colonial assemblies, where the colonists were represented, could levy taxes upon the colonies.Adams expressed these views in May 1764, when th
sometime in may -
Boston town meeting approved adams instructions on May 24 1764 it became the first political body in America to go on record stating Parliament could not constitutionally tax the colonists
By 1765, Adams's account was more than £8,000 in arrears.
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Not only did Adams argue that the Stamp Act was unconstitutional; he also believed that it would hurt the economy of the British Empire. He supported calls for a boycott of British goods to put pressure on Parliament to repeal the tax.
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In September 1765, Adams was once again appointed by the Boston Town Meeting to write the instructions for Boston's delegation
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By May 16, 1766, news of the repeal had reached Boston. There was celebration throughout the city, and Adams made a public statement of thanks to British merchants for helping their cause
Townshend acts
Townshend act reaches Massachusetts
c. sometime in october -
In 1768, Adams's political opponents would use the situation to their advantage, obtaining a court judgment of £1,463 against him. Adams's friends paid off some of the deficit, and the town meeting wrote off the remainder. By then, Adams had emerged as a
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Samuel Adams spoke up against shays rebellion.
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Samuel Adams dies