Samuel morse 1

Samual Morse

By vaniahj
  • Samual Morse

    Samual Morse
    Samuel F.B. Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, the first child of the pastor Jedidiah Morse who was also a geographerand Elizabeth Ann Finley Breese.
  • Period: to

    Samual Morse

  • Telegraph was invent!!!

    Telegraph was invent!!!
    The Telegraph is the long-distance transmission of messages using some form of on-off coding system which was invented in in 1833 by Sammuel Morse.
  • Samuel Morse's death

    Samuel Morse's death
    Sammuel Morse'death was unknown.
  • TELEX!!!

    Telex machines first performed rotary-telephone-style pulse dialling for circuit switching, and then sent data by Baudot code. This "type A" Telex routING.
  • Telegraph to Email

    Telegraph to Email
    A Email is a message that is sented between two computers