In a hospital in san Diego a 10:50 pm -
Period: to
Samantha's life Timeline
Went on my fist long car ride
vegas -
First teeth
7 months -
Turned 1
Started walking
Saved a dog from the pound and still have her
Big bear first time in mountains
My sister Natalie was born
turned 2
Turned 3
Fist pet bird
Don't know the date, also died later that year -
Got a turtle
Turned 4
Started pre k
Gave turtle to my cousin
turned 5
Learned how to ride a bike
First time in elementary school
Turned 6
Had a bunny
White withered eyes and was mean so got rid of it -
Did soccer
Until 2010 -
turned 7
Step sisters
Stopped doing cheer
Went to mammoth for the first time
In the summer -
Parents got divorced
Mom got married again
Turned 8
Got puppies but qave them away
Rachel was born
Half sister -
turned 9
Changed schools
5th grade -
Turned 10
turned 11
My brother Caleb was born
Half brother -
First iphone
4s -
Turned 12
Touched a fish for the fist time
In mammoth when fishing, took off the hook -
First year at shivela
Moved to Murrieta from san deigo
First kittens (3)
3 weeks old