Samantha Rose’s Nursing Journey

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated top 4% of my high school. I was forced to pick UCR since it was the closest to home.
  • 1st Heartbreak

    1st Heartbreak
    High school “Sweetheart” dumped me. Pretty sure I was the first person in history to get ghosted
  • College Acceptance

    College Acceptance
    College Acceptance letters rolled out. I got into UCR, UCSB, SDSU, CSF, and CSLB. (I had one rejection letter and that was from UCSD).
  • 1st Quarter of College

    1st Quarter of College
    Wow. College is actually hard and not a breeze like high school. I actually have to try? I hate this.
  • 1st Rave

    1st Rave
    The event that started it all…
  • 2nd Quarter of College

    2nd Quarter of College
    I got an email that a room was available for me to dorm! I also got an email that I was put on academic probation due to poor grades my first quarter (my parents didn’t know about this email) My parents were VERY strict my whole life and so I was very excited for this chance at freedom.
  • Academic Dismissal

    Academic Dismissal
    I received an email (as I was getting ready for a party) that my grades had not improved Winter Quarter and I was asked to leave the university.
  • Period: to

    Non-stop Partying

    I was partying multiple nights a week, I’d miss class from staying out too late. I started going to raves almost every other weekend.
  • Period: to

    Academic Career at RCC

    My time at RCC was mainly me taking classes and dropping them or failing them. I wasn’t taking school seriously. I didn’t even know what I was going to school for. My priority was working as I had rent to pay since I wasn’t living at home. Having the dose of freedom I did while in my dorm made me never want to return to my parents house.
  • Period: to

    Job at Subway

    I worked 30-40 hours a week here. I went home smelling like mustard and vinegar but somehow was able to support myself on top of buy rave tickets
  • Period: to

    Job at BWW

    Started off as a host & then after a year I got promoted to server. I worked at the Moreno Valley location until 2016 & then opened the store in Menifee which I worked at until 2018.
  • Period: to

    Academic Career at MSJC

    I took classes here a little more seriously but I still didn’t have any direction. The idea of nursing was just a thought, I really just wanted to choose something that would allow me to transfer and find a job ASAP.
  • My Grandma passed away

    My Grandma passed away
    My grandma had been admitted to the hospital on 4/4/2012 due to SOB. To this day, I don’t know what happened but this led to a COPD exacerbation that she never recovered from. I wasn’t happy with her ICU team but the way the nurses cared for her while she was on hospice was so special to me and something I’m eternally grateful for. These interactions are what planted the nursing seed for me. I wanted to provide this kind of gentle and compassionate care like these nurses did for my grandma.
  • Period: to

    Academic Career at CSUSM

    My originally planned 2 years at CSUSM ended up being 3 as I switched majors (Psychological studies to Childhood and Adolescent Development). I decided I wasn’t into Psych and I had completed a lot of the classes required for the CHAD major. After dealing with my (then) bf’s grandpa’s decline in health which eventually lead to his death, I started to revisit the idea of being a nurse. I took a lot of pride in helping to take care of him & knew this career would be more fulfilling than teaching
  • Period: to

    Work @ Outback Steakhouse

    I got hired on as a server and by 2021 I got promoted to the bar. The goal is to leave once I land my first nursing job which I’m currently trying to manifest Kaiser which that cohort starts in October.
  • BF’s Grandpa Passed Away

  • Period: to

    Nursing School Pre-reqs

    I re-enrolled at MSJC. Throughout this time, I was able to get both A&P classes out of the way (and get A’s in both), Microbiology (B), Organic Chemistry (A) and complete my CNA course.
  • Dumped my BF

    Dumped my BF
    This was a 6 year relationship I had been ready to leave 3 years prior. It was no longer serving me. This decision is what shifted my mindset and made me realize i need to make decisions to choose things/people/situations that serve me/that bring value to my life. It was really hard to walk away from my security blanket but I feel like my growth as a person truly started happening after this decision.
  • BA in Childhood & Adolescent Development

    BA in Childhood & Adolescent Development
    I got my Bachelors Degree! (This didnt feel like an accomplishment to me though because I knew I wasn’t going to use the degree at all)
  • My son is born

    My son is born
    Best day of my life.
  • Offered a spot in Palomar College’s Nursing Program

    Offered a spot in Palomar College’s Nursing Program
  • Period: to

    Nursing School!

  • Period: to

    Work @ Small Barn

    I started working here in attempts to leave Outback since my son’s dad and I broke up but I ended up coordinating my shifts so that I was able to work at both places. I plan to leave once I land my first nursing job!
  • 1st Nursing Job

    1st Nursing Job
    Fingers crossed I get into a new grad residency with Kaiser on a medsurge/tele floor
  • Started BSN at UUN

    Started BSN at UUN
  • Graduated Nursing School

    Graduated Nursing School

  • Complete BSN

    Complete BSN
  • Transfer into Specialty

    Transfer into Specialty
    After getting 2 years of experience, I either want to transfer into ICU or L&D.