Thales 600 BC
Everythig was mad of something. -
Democrtius 307 BC
thought everything was made of something. -
Aristotle 384-322
things were made of earth, air fire, and water -
Newton 1704
thought atoms moved around and didnt stay in one place -
Dalton 1803
came up with atomic therory. -
Becqueral 1896
discover radioavtivity -
JJ. Thomas 1897
discovered electrons
plum oudding experiment -
Rutherford 1904-1911
diccovered the nucleus.+ atomic therory
gold foil experiment. -
Millikan 1908- 1917
oil drop experiment
charge and mass of an electron -
Bohr 1915
Bohr modle -
Shotinter 1926
quantum modle -
discovered the neutron