Sam nasa official picture (2)

Samantha Cristoforetti

  • 1994 BCE


    The girl, already determined at a young age, returned to Italy and attended high school first in the city of Bolzano and then in Trento. After finishing high school, he moved again and this time he arrived in Munich, Germany, where he graduated in 2001 in Mechanical Engineering. In 2004, in October, he obtained a second degree in Aeronautical Sciences at the Federico II University in Naples.
  • 1977 BCE


    Samantha Cristoforetti is an Italian born on August 26, 1977in Milan and is now 45 years old. His family comes from Malé, a small village in Val di Sole, in the province of Trento, and it is here that he grows.
  • What did she do to be remembered?

    What did she do to be remembered?
    in 2001 Samantha tried to successfully enter the Aeronautical Academy of the city of Pozzuoli from which she will exit in 2005 with the title of Officer of the role Normal Sailor and with a degree in Aeronautical Science
  • Life after space

    Life after space
    Samantha e gli altri membri dell’equipaggio, noto come Crew-4, sono tornati a bordo del veicolo spaziale Crew Dragon Freedom, che si è sganciato autonomamente dalla Stazione il 14 ottobre 2022 alle 18:05 CEST. Dopo aver completato una serie di burns da deorbita, Freedom è entrata nell'atmosfera terrestre e, il 14 ottobre 2022 alle 22:55 CEST, ha dispiegato i suoi paracadute per un ammaraggio morbido al largo delle coste della Florida.