Sam Walton 15 events

  • Birth

    Sam Walton was born in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
  • Ages 0-5

    Ages 0-5
    Sam Walton lived on a farm with his parents until 1923. Farming didn't provide enough money to support them. His father went into farm mortgaging.
  • Moving

    In his earlier years, Sam Walton moved around with his family a lot. They mostly stayed in Missouri.
  • Schooling

    He wasn't in a consistent school for much of his early life. In eighth grade, Sam Walton became the youngest eagle scouts in state history.
  • College Life

    He attended the University of Missouri as an ROTC cadet. During this time, he did odd jobs to get money and meals.
  • Military

    Sam Walton served in the M.I.C, supervising security at aircraft plants. he eventually became a captain
  • First stores

    After leaving the military in 1945, Walton took over management of his first store at the age of 28.
  • Business strategy

    Sam Walton said if he offered prices as good or better than stores in cities that were four hours or more away by car, they would shop at his store.
  • First Walmart

    The first Wal-Mart was opened in Rogers, Arkansas
  • Sam's Club Founded

    The first Sam's Club and the Sam's Club Company is created
  • Largest Retailer

    Walmart becomes the largest retailer in the United States
  • Near Death

    His company had established 1,735 Walmarts and 212 Sam’s Clubs by this date.
  • Worldwide Scale

    Walmart becomes one of the richest companies worldwide.
  • Death

    Sam Walton Died in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Legacy

    Walton’s heirs are among the wealthiest individuals in the United States.