Sam's California History Timeline

  • 10,800 BCE

    Approximate year Santa Rosa pygmy mammoth died

    Approximate year Santa Rosa pygmy mammoth died
  • 8000 BCE

    The pleistocene epoch ends

  • 1769 BCE

    Years of the Sacred Expedition - 1769-1782

  • San Diego de Alcalá,1769

    Date and location of first mission
  • Date Spain accepts Mexican independence1821

  • San Francisco Solano,1823

    Date and location of last mission.
  • Year the missions closed 1834

  • Year the Nicoleno Indians left San Nicolas Island

  • Date of the Bear Flag Revolt

  • Year Mexico lost California

  • Gold Discovered by John Marshall on American River

    Gold Discovered by John Marshall on American River
  • Year California became a state

  • Lone Woman Brought to Santa Barbara

    Lone Woman Brought to Santa Barbara
  • Pigeon Express operates between Los Angeles and Santa Catalina 1894-1898

    Pigeon Express operates between Los Angeles and Santa Catalina 1894-1898
  • San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906

    San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906
    5:11 AM, magnitude 8.25
  • Hetch Hetchy Dam Opens

    Hetch Hetchy Dam Opens
  • Year of the Deportation Act

  • Decade of the Dust Bowl

  • Year mammoth skeleton was discovered

    Year mammoth skeleton was discovered
  • Memory of 7-11 in Mountainside, NJ

    Memory of 7-11 in Mountainside, NJ
  • Sam moves from Mountainside, NJ to Long Beach, CA

  • Sam completed #4 grade