2000 BCE
Abraham Born
Abraham, father of many descendants, was born. -
1925 BCE
Abraham & Sarah arrive in Canaan
After many days of traveling, Abraham and his wife arrived in the land of Canaan. -
1900 BCE
Sarah gives birth to Isaac
Sarah, who was barren, gave birth to her first son. -
1836 BCE
Rebekah gives birth to Jacob & Esau
Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, gives birth to twins, Jacob and Esau. -
1750 BCE
Israelites settle in Egypt
Israelites, who settled in Egypt, were made into slaves because Pharaoh was afraid of them revolting against the Egyptians. -
1290 BCE
Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt
Moses, who was raised by an Egyptian princess, led the Israelites out of slavery and out of Egypt. -
1250 BCE
Joshua invades Canaan with the Israelites
The Lord asked Joshua to lead the Israelites into Canaan. -
1200 BCE
Judges (Deborah, Samson, etc) lead Israelites in Canaan
The three judges lead Israelites into Canaan. -
1020 BCE
Saul is named 1st king of Israel
Saul was anointed the first King of Israel. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel. -
1000 BCE
King David names Jerusalem as the capital
King David conquered Jerusalem, which was later destroyed by the Babylonians. -
961 BCE
King Solomon builds the Temple.
Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem, which was known at the Holy Temple, and later destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. -
922 BCE
Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah.
The Israelite Kingdom divided into two new kingdoms, Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah. -
783 BCE
Time of the prophet Amos.
Amos was one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He was born in Kingdom of Judah, but preached in Kingdom of Israel. -
721 BCE
Assyrians conquered Israel.
Samaria, the ruling city of the Kingdom of Israel, was conquered by the Assyrians. -
597 BCE
Babylonians conquer Judah
The Babylonians defeated Pharaoh Necho at the Battle of Carchemish, and then invaded Judah. -
538 BCE
Persians allow Jews to return to Judah
The Jews in Babylon were allowed to return to the Land of Israel because of Cyrus's rule -
332 BCE
Greeks conquer Holy Land
Alexander the Great was a Macedonian ruler who conquered Jerusalem in 332 BC -
167 BCE
Maccabees revolt against Greeks
The revolt of the Maccabees was from 167 BC – 160 BC. Judas Maccabee led an army of Jewish dissidents to victory over the Seleucid Empire when they were refusing to worship the Greek gods. -
63 BCE
Romans conquer Holy Land
The Romans conquered much of the known world, including Israel the Holy Land which ended the reign of the Greeks. -
1 CE
Jesus is born
Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary were living in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth on December 25th and later moved to Nazareth.