St. Margaret Mary alacoque
She joined the visitation community paraly. She chose Mary in her name for her love for the virgin mother. In 1673 she saw Jesus and he showed his heart to her. -
Mother Mary de sales
She attended the Visitation school at Fribourg at the age of twelve. Though she was of poor health, she entered the Visitation community of Fribourg and professed her vows in 1816 as Sister Mary Francis de Sales -
Blessed Louie Brisson
Young Louis Brisson loved to read and was educated by a local priest with a vast library. Louis read everything in sight; but, most especially anything to do with the sciences. If you like reading the writings of Jules Verne such as 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, then you have similar literary tastes.
on Louis’ career choice than the many scientist/inventors he had read about in books.