Jan 23, 1572
St. jane birthday
St.jane Husband dies in hunting accident. Takes vow of chastity
Meets SFDS. SFDS becomes her spiritual director
She and two other women begin their novitiate at the galerie house
Establishes 82 communities
St. margret Born
St. margret Joined the visitation community in Paray-le-Monial
St. margret has vision of Jesus
St. jane cannonized
Marie Teresa Chappuis born
Marie Teresa Chappuis entered the Visitation community of Fribourg and professed her vows in 1816 as Sister Mary Francis de Sales
St. margret canonized
Seven visitation martyrs
These sisters were martyred during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, all of them belonging to the Visitation Monastary in Madrid, Spain. Their names are Blessed Sister Maria Gabriela de Hinolosa Naveros, Blessed Sister Josefa Maria Darrera Izaguirre, Blessed Sister
Teresa Maria Cavestany y Anduaga, Blessed Sister Maria Angela Olaizola Garagarza, Blessed Sister Maria Engracla Lecuona Ararnburu, Blessed Sister Maria Ines Zudaire Galdeano and Blessed Sister Maria Cecilia Cendoya Araquista.