Period: 1567 to
St. Francis de Sales Life
Period: 1572 to
St. Jane de Chantals Life
St. Francis is consecrated Bishop of Geneva
St. Francis writes “Introduction to a Devout Life”
St. Jane and St. Francis meet
They meet during Lent -
Visitation Sisters are established
Period: to
St. Margaret Mary Alacoques Life
St. Francis is Canonized
Canonized, he is. -
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque joins the visitation sisters
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque creates the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Sacred Heart of Jesus was a image envisioned by Margaret Alacoque -
St. Jane is Canonized
Period: to
Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis Life
She helped found the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales -
Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis Professes her vows as a Visitation Sister
Period: to
Fr. Brissons Life
Fr. Brisson establishes the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales
Seven Visitation Martyrs Executed
Executed due to Religious Prosecution