Salesian timeline

  • Aug 21, 1567

    SFDS birth

    Saint Francis was born on August 21, 1567. Francis was extremely rich, his dad wanted him to be a lawyer, but he waned to help others and be me a priest. He helped Saint Jane with her spirituality. Saint Francis encouraged Saint Jane to become a nun after her kids grew older and could fend for theme selves.
  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal

    Saint Jane was born on January 23, 1572. On June 10, 1610 Saint Jane along with two other women began their lives as Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary. The feast of Saint Jane de Chantal is August 18, 1767
  • Saint Margret Mary alacoque

    Saint Margret Mary Alacoque was born on July 22, 1647. At the age of 27 on august 25, 1671, she joined the visitation community, she chose the name Sister Margret Mary due to her devotion to Mary. In 1673 she had a vision of jesus, she had a second vision of the sacred heart of jesus. Saint Mary was canonized on May 13, 1920 and her feast day is on October 17th.
  • Mother Mary De Sales Chappius

    Mother Mary De Sales Chappius was born on June 16, 793 in Switzerland. She was in poor health a lot, but she entered the visitation community of fribourg and professed her vow’s in 1816. She believed she was called to start a religious order for young men to follow Saint Francis De Sales, she tried to convince Father Brisson to do so. She died on October 7, 1875, her feast day is October 12th, oblate founders day
  • Blessed Father Louis Brisson

    Father Brisson was born on June 23, 1817, he loved science and reading, but he priests hat educated him had a bigger influence on his career. He was ordained a diocesan priest on December 19, 1840. On august 27, 1876 a new order was established, Father Brisson and five others became the first oblates of Saint Francis de sales. Father Brisson died February 2, 1908. His feast day is October 12th, oblates founders day.
  • Saint Leonie Aviat

    Leonine was born on September 16, 1844. on October 11, 1871, she professed first vows in the new congregation she co-founded with Father Brisson called the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales. they opened more boarding schools, the French government enacted laws evicting religious from their houses and sold their properties. Things got so difficult for religious orders at that time. She died on January 10, 1914, her feast day is January 10th.
  • The Seven Visitation Martyrs

    The seven sisters were martyred during the Spanish civil war in 1936, all of them were in the Visitation Monastery in Madrid, Spain. The oldest was 56 years old and the youngest was 26 years old. In early 1936 the sister were all hiding to keep safe until a neighbor saw and told on them. The sisters were lined up and held hands side by side as a wave of bullets flew and killed all but the youngest who ran, she surrendered but was later shot 5 days later. The shared feast day is November 18th.