Salesian Timeline

  • Aug 21, 1567

    SFDS Birth

  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantel birth

  • SFDS became a priest

  • SFDS meets Jane de Chantel

  • SFDS and Jane founded the Visitation Sisters of Holy Mary

  • Saint Jane becomes a nun

  • SFDS dies of a stroke

  • Saint Jane dies

  • Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque born

  • SFDS Feast Day

  • Margaret Mary Alacoque joins the visitation

  • Margaret Mary Alacoque has a vision of Jesus showing her the Sacred Heart

  • Saint Jane Feast Day

  • Mary de Sales Chappius born

  • Mary de Sales Chappius entered the Visitation

  • Father Louis Brisson born

  • Father Brisson became a priest

  • Saint Leonie Aviat born

  • Leonie Aviat professed her vows in the Oblate Sisters of SFDS

  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappius dies

  • Father Brisson and five others said their vows to become the first Oblates of SFDS

  • SFDS declared a doctor of the church

  • Father Brisson dies

  • Leonie Aviat dies

  • Margaret Mary Alacoque Feast Day

  • The Seven Visitation Martyrs were martyred

  • Seven Visitation Sisters share a Feast Day

  • Saint Leonie Aviat Feast Day