Salesian Timeline

  • Jan 23, 1572

    Jane De Chantal’s Birth

    Born in Dijon, France
  • Death of Christophe de Rabutin-Chantal (Jane’s husband)

    Died in a hunting accident. Jane decides to take a vow of chastity.
  • Jane visits Francis de Sales

    Met him for the first time in Dijon, France. She desired to join the religious life but Francis told her to wait until her children grew up. Francis became her spiritual director.
  • Jane begins her life as a Sister of the Visitation of Holy Mary

    Jane’s children were ready to be on their own. Jane joined this visitation in the Galerie House in Annecy France. She and two other women began their novitiate.
  • Francis and Jane accept the requirement for strict papal enclosure for women religious orders

    This eventually led to the Visitations to focus upon preserving and sharing the teachings of Salesian Spirituality. Jane founded 82 Visitation Monestaries before her death.
  • Birth of Margaret Mary Alacoque

    In L’hauteckur, France
  • Margaret Mary joins the Visitation Community

    Mary became ill a lot as a child and started to pray the rosary. She took a vow of chastity at an early age. When she turned 21 she joined the Visitation community in Paray-le-Monial.
  • Margaret Mary has the vision of the “Sacred Heart”

    Mary had a vision of Jesus who showed her his Sacred Heart for the first time. Jesus expressed His great love for all humans.
  • Death of Saint Margaret Mary

    During her life, she became a “victim soul” (suffering servant p)
  • Saint Jane’s Feast Day

    She was canonized in 1767
  • Birth of Mary de Sales Chappius

    Soyhieres, Switzerland
  • Mary de Sales enters the Visitation community

    Mary was sent to Visitation school when she was only 12 years old. Later on she professed her vows and joined the Visitation community of Frinourg at 22 years old.
  • Birth of Blessed Louis Brisson

    In Plancy, France
  • Father Brisson is Ordained a Diocesan Priest

    He was very smart and was interested in science but decided to become a priest. He later became the chaplain for his community after teaching at the Visitation School in Troyes, France where Mary de Sales was the superior for the Visitation Sisters.
  • Birth of Leonie Aviat

    In Sezanne, France
  • Leonie Aviat professes her vows

    She professed her first vows in the new congregation she co-founded with Father Brisson called the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales.
  • Death of Mary de Sales

  • Mary de Sales Chappius’ Celebration Day

    Oblate Founders Day
  • Mary de Sales convinces Louis Brisson to start the Oblate Men

    Took her 30 years to convince him
  • Father Brisson agreed to the start the Oblate Brothers

    After a while of convincing him, he established the new order.
  • Period: to

    Father Brisson makes many accomplishments

    Leo XIII sends him on a mission to Africa in 1881. He finished the biography of Mother Chappius in 1887. The constitution of the oblates is provisionally accepted in 1887. It was finally approved in 1897.
  • Death of Louis Brisson

  • Celebration of the life of Father Brisson

    Oblate Founders Day (October 12th) or February 2nd
  • The Death of Leonie Aviat

    Six years after the death of Father Brisson.
  • Margaret Mary’s Canonization and Feast Day

    She was canonized May 13, 1920. Her feast day is October 16th.
  • The Death of the 7 Visitation Sister

    They were martyred during the Spanish Civil War when they were taken in a van and killed by bullets firing at them.
  • The Seven Visitation Sisters Feast Day

  • The Canonization and Feast Day of Leonie Aviat

    She was canonized in 2001 and her feast day is January 10th.