Salesian Time Line

  • Period: Jan 23, 1572 to

    St. Jane De Chantal

    She was married but her husband died, she also had 4 kids. She met St. Francis De Sales and wanted to become a nun. She joined the Visitation sisters of Mary. Had lots of Visions.
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    St.Margaret Mary Alaquque

    Became ill one day and started praying the rosary and promised to become a nun. She became a nun and visitation sister. Feast day is October 16th. She also had visions of Christ
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    St. Mary Desales Chappius

    She was the 7th of 11 children, and she was sent to a visitation school in Switzerland, than she enters a religious life. She always looked for an opportunity to help people.
  • Period: to


    He was a French priest and the founder of the oblate sister and the oblates of St. Francis De sales. He founded the female branch along St. Leionie Aviat.