Salesian Time line

  • Aug 21, 1567

    Saint Francis de Sales was born

    Saint  Francis  de  Sales  was  born
    Annecy, France to François de Sales de Boisy and Françoise de Sionnaz
  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal Born

    in Dijon, France
  • Jane met Francis de Sales for the first time

    During Lent in Dijon, while Francis was preaching his Lenten Sermons
  • Introduction to the Devout Life or Introduction

    His first book
  • Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary

    Jane along with two other women began their lives as Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary in the Galerie House in Annecy, France.
  • Treatise on the Love of God

    His second book
  • St. Francis de Sales dies

    Dies of a stroke
  • St. Jane de Chantal dies

  • Marguerite Alacoque Is born

    in L’hautecour, France
  • Marguerite Alacoque joined the Visitation

    At age 27
  • Marguerite Alacoque Has her first vision of the Sacred Heart

  • Marie Teresa Chappuis was born

    in Soyhieres amid the Jura mountains in Switzerland
  • Louis Brisson was born

  • Saint Leonie Aviat

    co-founded with Father Brisson called the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales
  • Mother Mary de sales Chappuis dies

    in the Visitation Monastery at Troyes
  • first Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales

    five other priests professed vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience
  • Salesianum school is started