Salesian time line

  • Aug 21, 1567

    St Francis de sales

    St Francis de sales born
  • 1572

    St Jane

    St Jane was born in Dijon France
  • St Jane

    St Jane got married had 4 kids and they all lived to adulthood
  • St Jane

    St Jane husband Christophe died of a hunting accident
  • Visitation sisters

    The start of the visitation sister
  • St Jane

    St Jane and two other women begin their novitiate to become nuns
  • St Francis De Sales

    St Francis De Sales died
  • St Jane

    St Jane died
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque

    Margaret Mary Alacoque was born
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque

    MMA got ill and became a nun
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque

    MMA died
  • St Jane

    St Jane was Canonized
  • Mary De Sales

    Mary De Sales was born
  • Mary De Sales

    Mary De Sales professes her final vows
  • Fr. Brisson

    Fr. Brisson was born
  • Fr. Brisson

    Fr. Brisson ordained a priest
  • Mary De sales

    Mary De sales started a religious order for men
  • Fr. Brisson

    Fr. Brisson opens a house for young women with Leanic aviat
  • Oblate sister

    Oblate sisters started
  • Oblate men

    Oblate men started
  • Fr. Brisson

    Fr. Brisson and 5 other men protests their vows form there oblate men
  • Fr. Brisson

    Fr. Brisson died
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque

    MMA was colonized