Salesian Spirituality

  • Aug 27, 1567

    Saint Francis’ Birth.

    Saint Francis de Sales was born in August 21, 1567, in Annecy, France. He grew up around the beauty of the French Alps and Lake Annecy. He became successful and earned a civil law degree to satisfy his father but also achieved a religious degree to satisfy his own goal of becoming a priest. Francis became the Bishop of Geneva.
  • Jan 28, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal and Saint Francis.

    Saint Jane was a married woman until she became a widow with four children. She discovered the beauty of Catholicism and approached Saint Francis de Sales asking if he could teach her to become a nun. Years later when her children were capable of living on their own, Francis de Sales became her spiritual director.
  • Introduction to The Devout of Life.

    This was one of Saint Francis de Sales’ most famous books.
  • Saint Francis’ Death.

    Saint Francis died 28, December 1622, in Lyon, France. His feast day is January 24, and was canonized in 1665.
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque.

    Born in 1647, she had seven brothers and sisters. She was sick most of the time so she remained home to rest and passed her free time by praying the rosary. She wanted to dedicate her life to Mary and then joined the Visitation Sisters years later. Her feast day is October 16.
  • Saint Jane de Chantal’s Death.

    When Jane passed away she was buried next to Francis. Her feast day is December 12, and was canonized in 1767.
  • Mary de Sales Chappio.

    Mary de Sales Chappio was born in a small village called Soyhieres in Sweden. She was the seventh of eleven children and was sent to a boarding school. The boarding school was a Visitation Monastery, she knew Father Louis Brisson.
  • Father Brisson.

    Born in 1817, France, Louis Brisson was educated by a priest who owned a vast library.
  • Creation of the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales and Oblate Sisters.

    Louis and Leonie created a community and home for young women in 1859. Louis Brisson along side Leonie Aviat created the Oblate Sisters on August 27, 1876. Louis Brisson and five other men professed their vows as Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales.
  • 7 Visitation Martyrs.

    Seven Nuns that belonged to the Visitation Monastery in Madrid were martyred during the Spanish a Civil War In 1936. They all prayed and held hands as they were all executed, but the youngest escaped until she surrender. She was murdered five days later on the outskirts of Madrid.