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Salesian Six Timeline

  • Aug 21, 1567

    St. Francis de Sales’ Birth

    St. Francis de Sales’ Birth
    • Born: August 21,1567
    • In: Savoy France
  • Jan 23, 1572

    St. Jane de Chantel’s Birth

    St. Jane de Chantel’s Birth
    Birth: January 23, 1572, Dijon France
  • St. Francis de Sales’ Death

    St. Francis de Sales’ Death
    Died in year 1622
    | Canonized 1665
    | Named Doctor of the Church
  • St. Jane de Chantel’s Death

    St. Jane de Chantel’s Death
    Died: December 13,1641
    Canonized: 1767
    Died at Visitation Monastery at Moulins
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Birth

    Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Birth
    Birth: July 22, 1647
    Tool chastity vow at young age
    Had visions of Jesus
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Death

    Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Death
    Died: October 17, 1690 |
    Canonized: May 13,1920 | Feast Day: October 16
  • Mary DeSales Chappius’ Birth

    Mary DeSales Chappius’ Birth
    Born in year 1793
    | Becomes nun in 1816 | Helps start religious order
  • Father Brisson’s Birth

    Father Brisson’s Birth
    Birth: June 23 1817
    | Only child of Grocer
  • Leonie Aviat’s Birth

    Leonie Aviat’s Birth
    Birth: September 16, 1844
  • Mary DeSales Chappius’ Death

    Mary DeSales Chappius’ Death
    Died: October 7, 1875
    | Oblates’ Founders’ Day: October 12
  • Father Brisson’s Death

    Father Brisson’s Death
    Died: February 2, 1908
  • Leonie Aviat’s Death

    Leonie Aviat’s Death
    Died: 1914