Salesian Six

  • 1567

    SFDS is born

  • Period: 1567 to

    SFDS birth-Oblates

  • Jan 23, 1572

    St. Jane De Chantal born

  • St. Francis becomes Bishop of Geneva

  • St. Francis writes “Introduction To Devout Life”

  • Visitation Sisters established

  • St. Jane and SFDS have been introduced

  • SFDS died

  • St. Jane De Chantel Dies

  • SFDS is canonized

  • St. Margaret Mary Alacoque joins Visitation sisters

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus is created by St. Margret

  • St. Jane De Chantel is canonized

  • Mother Mary becomes a Nun

  • Fr. Brisson establishes Oblates of SFDS

  • Leonie Aviat died

  • St. Margaret Mary Alacoque dies

  • Seven Visitation Martyrs are Murdered

  • Leonie Aviat canonized