Jan 23, 1572
ST jane Born 23 jan 1572
Born in Dijon France -
St Jane married
Married in 1592 to Christophe 4 kids that grew up -
St Janes husband dies
Dies in a hunting accident jane takes vow of chastitiy moved in with Father-in-law -
Meets SFDS
Wants to enter religious order but Francis wants her to raise kids -
St jane dies December 13 1641
St Margaret Born
Joined community
Joined visitation community in Paray_le_monial -
Had a vision of Jesus who showed her his sacred heart for the first time -
Mother Mary de Sales
Marie teresa Chappius was born on june 16th 1793 in switzerland -
After the french revolution she re established the visitation community in troyes -
St margaret dies
Blessed father luis Brisson born
Born in france -
Wanted to be a priestly educator
Ordained as a diocesain preist -
Saint leonine Aviat born
Born in france -
She died in october -
She was canonized on may 13th 1920 her feast is on october 20