
Colonial Time

  • Lost colony of Roanoke

    Lost colony of Roanoke
    The colony of Roanoke was founded and lead by John White as a Governor. He later left 115 settlers for 3 years to return. When he returned he comes back to an abandoned civilization to where the only thing left of civilization was Croatoan.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The spark rebellion started due to an increase of taxes and restrictions by Governor William Berkley of Virginia. Governor Berkley. War broke out over land between the Natives and colonists over land. But because of lack of aid toward the land Nathanial Bacon and other settlers rebelled. But due to a disease Bacon died which ended the rebellion.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The witch trials was a dark time in American history with more than 200 accused people. With 20 deaths the time period was back when religions were very important to the real world. The settlers were afraid of many things and when famine happened they believed the devil was trying to infiltrate and destroy Christian settlements.
  • The British reach 1.5 Million colonists

    The British reach 1.5 Million colonists
    The amount of British greatly outnumbered the 70,000 French settlers giving an upper hand against the French.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the war for the British, who kept Canada, the Great Lakes Region, the Ohio river valet and Florida.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    Raids by the Natives through the summer on settlements in western Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Eventually the name was given after an Ottawa chief named Pontiac who organized an attack on Detroit.
  • New Taxes Are Given

    New Taxes Are Given
    In 1764, the new prime minister, George Grenville, proposed raising money by collecting duties already in effect. The law, known as the Tea Act is a good example of one of the taxes implemented into the colonies.
  • Sons of Liberty Makes a Point

    Sons of Liberty Makes a Point
    A mob of colonists led by the Sons of Liberty tore down the office and damaged the house of the stamp tax collector. This was one of many protests enacted through violence.
  • The Boston Massacure

    The Boston Massacure
    Colonists hurled snowballs and rocks at British soldiers guarding the Customs House this caused the tense feeling within the soldiers. The nervous soldiers fired into the crowd, killing five colonists. Under the leadership of Samuel Adams, Patriots called the killings the Boston Massacre.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    Adams wanted to be on even terms with the British and French so he sent negotiators to France. But due to the unhappiness they began to seize American ships. Adams again sent negotiators and was successful but lost most support from his own party.
  • The Virginia and Kentucky Resolution

    The Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
    The two states made a statement threatening to dissolve the Union. This document was created by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to address the Alien and Sedition acts. It read that the act was unconstitutional and hinted that they could nullify the unconstitutional law.
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts

    The Alien and Sedition Acts
    This act was passed by John Adams due to his beliefs that people hatted him. This act would arrest and deport anyone who criticized the federal government. It also made it illegal for anyone to discredit the federal government.
  • The election of 1800

    The election of 1800
    This election was really controversial through the US because it was the first election to end in a tie. The two runners were Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson with Jefferson coming on top. During the time Hamilton was a well respected person and was the one to decide the outcome of the election.
  • The Louisiana Purchace

    The Louisiana Purchace
    Jefferson at first was going to raid the Louisiana territory but the French got it first. So Jefferson bought this territory for 15 million dollars doubling the size of America. Jefferson even knew it was beyond his power to buy this land.
  • The Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act
    Due to the British and French stealing American ships Jefferson came up with the Embargo Act. The embargo restricted trade with any foreign countries. This on the other hand hurt their own country rather than hurting others.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The begining of the industrial revolution started with Francis Lowell. He would soon start a line of factory work in the north. New types of designs would soon rise such as interchangeable parts, created by Eli Whitney.
  • Tariff of 1816

    Tariff of 1816
    This tariff increaced the price of imported items encouraging purchaces made in the US. This helped the north because of the many manufactured items made. But the tariff also hurt the southern farmers, who had to pay more for consumer goods.
  • Transportation Evolves

    Transportation Evolves
    During the Techonological Revolution new types of transportation were created. Steamboats and railroads made it easier for travel and trade in the country. Along with these the National Road and turn pikes which directed an faster route to other states.
  • The First Seminole War

    The First Seminole War
    The Seminole were a group of American Indians. These Indians clashed with the whites who were upset. The Seminole were providing safe havens for runaway slaves. This led to Andrew Jackson into Florida and fight the Seminole.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    During Missouri's addmision to the Union the Northern Congress men were alarmed. Missouri would want to be known as a slave state causing an unequal balance between slave and free states. Henry crafted a compromise making Maine a free state and Missouri as a slave state.