Saint Jane de Chantal

  • Jan 23, 1572


    Name is Jeanne-Francoise Fremyot was born in Dijon, France
  • Gets married

    She gets married to Christophe de Rabutin-Chantal. Then he dies in a hunting accident and she vows chastity. They had 4 children
  • Death of husband

    Her husband dies and she vows chasttity and moves in with her father in law and helps the poor and sick
  • St Francis de Sales

    Jane returns to Dijon and meets St Francis de Sales He then becomes her spiritual director
  • Becomes a nun

    She becomes a nun at the Galerie House and that community becomes the Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary
  • Candonized

    Her feast day is august 12
  • She dies

    By the time she dies she has established 82 communities. She dies at the Visitation Monastery at Moulins and was burried near St. Francis de Sales