Saint Francis time line

By Nvadas
  • Aug 21, 1567

    Francis Birth

  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal Birth

  • Francis de Sales Ordained

  • Introduction to the Devout Life

  • Francis and Jane founded the Visitation Sister of Holy Mary

  • Treatise on the Love of God

  • Francis de Sales Death

  • Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque Birth

  • Had a vision of Jesus

    Showed her his sacred heart for the first time
  • Margret Marry second vision

    Had a vision of the sacred heart she was told to establish a liturgical feast.
  • Saint Jane canonized

  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis Birth

  • Saint John Bosco Birth

  • Blessed Father Louis Brisson Birth

  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello Birth

  • Saint Dominic Savio Birth

  • Dominic Savio wrote for himself four rules

    He wrote these at the age of seven
  • Saint John Bosco accomplishments

    He built workshops, clubs, boarding schools and oratorios for boys to study and learn a useful craft.
  • Dominic Death

    He died at the age of 14
  • Maria Dominica mazzarello joined john Bosco

  • Father Brisson and Mary de Sales Chappuis Opened religious order for men

  • Francis declaration a doctor of the church

  • Father Brisson died

  • Saint Margaret Mary canonized

  • Saint John Bosco canonized

  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello canonized