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Saint Francis de Sales Timeline

  • Aug 21, 1567

    Saint Francis de Sales Birth

    Saint Francis de Sales was born in
    Annecy, France
  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal Birth

    Saint Jane de Chantal entered the world as Jeanne-Francoise Fremont in Dijon, France
  • Saint Francis de Sales Returned Home

    Saint Francis de Sales returned home to Annecy from Padua, Italy.
  • Saint Francis de Sales Wrote first book

    The Introduction to the Devout Life
  • Jane joined Sisters of Visitation

    Jane’s four children were now ready to be on their
    own, so Jane along with two other women began their lives as Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary in the Galerie House in Annecy, France
  • Saint Francis de Sales Wrote second book

    Treatise on the Love of God
  • Saint Francis de Sales Death

    Francis de Sales died of a stroke
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque Birth

    in L’hautecour, France.
  • Margret Mary Alacoque joined Visitation

    Join visitation sisters
  • Margret Mary Alacoque First Vision

    she had a vision of Jesus who showed her his Sacred Heart
  • Marie Teresa Chappuis Birth

    in Soyhieres amid the Jura mountains in Switzerland.
  • John Bosco Birth

    was born near Turin, Italy,
  • Louis Brisson Birth

  • Dominic Savio Birth

  • Leonie Avait Birth in Sezanne, France

    in Sezanne, France
  • Leonie Aviat co-founded with Father Brisson

    she professed first vows in the new congregation she co-founded with Father Brisson called the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales.
  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis Death

    in the Visitation Monastery at Troyes
  • Louis Brission’s New Order

    August 27, 1876, the new order
    found the Order of the Oblates of Saint Fran- cis de Sales.
    was established. Father Brisson and five other priests professed vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience as the first Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales.
  • Saint Francis de Sales Doctor of the Church

    Pope Pius IX declared him a Doctor of the Church
  • Father Brisson Death

    Father Brisson died February 2, 1908
  • Leonie Aviat Death

  • Saint Margaret Mary was canonized

    Feast day is October 17
  • John Bosco was canonized

  • Saint Dominic Savio canonized

  • Saint Leonie Aviat canonized